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Where Everyone is a Pornstar

I hope this lady, who calls herself CrazyCuteCurlySue can forgive me, but I had to pick someone as an example and honestly, in my opinion, she fits the bill perfectly.

Let me set it up first with where I am coming from with this.

I love amateur porn because it is authentic or at the very least the risk of it being a total act with everything including moans and groans faked for effect is just so much lower. In fact, I have very seldom, if ever seen any amateur porn where I wasn’t convinced that those involved genuinely enjoyed it.

Perhaps with sex cams there is a higher risk of the occasional acting but still.

On that note I get to the point that what I love about these live cam sites nowadays is that literally anyone can, and anyone actually does shows. You don’t have to be some drafted or qualified pornstar who needs to land some deal or contract. Anyone can do this and I just love that.